Socially Conscious Investing 1987

This historical archive is for streaming the original Socially Conscious Investing Radio Programs aired on Mondays at 7pm news on KFAI 'Fresh Air' Minneapolis, MN. This website also includes the Radio broadcast shows of the Minnesota Composers Gallery and of the first West Banks School of Music Jazz Composers Series 1985 which I also engineered and produced for KFAI FM Community Radio.

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Rosemary Strunk - Socially Conscious Investing

No 1 What Is Socially Conscious Investing
No 2 Determining My Finacial Goals
No 3 Determining My Social Criteria
No 4 Socailly Conscious Money Markets
No 5 Socailly Conscious Credit Cards
No 6 Socailly Conscious Mutual Funds
No 7 Socailly Conscious Books n N
No 8 Socailly Conscious Stock Markets
No 9 How to Choose a Broker

Rosemary StrunkRosmary Strunk is currently employed at OptunHealth as Interim Vice President of Service Delivery in ยท Albuquerque, New Mexico.

In 1987 she assembled 9 radio programs to air on KFAI Fresh Air Radio on Socially Conscious Investing.

She finished and obtained her Juris Doctor at Graduate School in Law at Hamline University School of Law; Class of 1985. She went to Grinnell College; Class of 1981 At Grinnell, she Majored in Anthropology.

These 'Socially Conscious Investing' program's produced and hosted by Rosemary Strunk gave consistent astute discourses and tips, on Ethical Investing. These programs being some of the first of their kind are why they are archived here for your listening pleasure. Plus, to remind us all of the ethical need for greater private investment within the Fine Arts and into Substantive Music for the improved health and well being of our Culture and Society!



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The Socially Conscious Investing Radio Programs aired on Mondays at 7pm news, were produced and hosted by Rosemary Strunk; 1987 On KFAI "Fresh Air" FM Radio Minneapolis, MN.

(Theme music and background music for this radio news program arranged by Richard Byron Strunk from early Kraftwerk piece)

All materials are owned and belongs sololy to this material's authors; all rights belong to the authors and these programs are provided here as an historical archeive; and visitors to this archeive may only stream and listen to this music.

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